Party-in-a-Box, Plant Swapping, Rent-a-Streaker

A mystery meal restaurant where the chef prepares surprise dishes. Mall transport to help shoppers...never mind. A plant swap service to trade houseplants with neighbors—or wall art. Rent-a-streaker, a gag service where someone is hired to streak at events like weddings or parties (probably not funerals). A daily motivational phone call, either AI-generated or human-led, that provides affirmations, reminders, and productivity tips. An alternate history content series exploring how different historical events could have played out. A party-in-a-box service that delivers and sets up a themed party. A year-round gift-giving group in the style of Secret Santa—just to put a little more positivity out into the world! Smoothie bars—no, not those smoothies: solid yoghurt bars with fruit...portable breakfast?